Memory means nothing. The only time that video mermoy does anything is when the architecture supports it and is able to use it. In this case, both systems have different architectures.Xbox360: Unified mermoy, less powerful CPU.PS3: split mermoy, more power[...]
[yoWSgcmySr]@190.204.98.*2014-11-23 05:04:46
Now I'm like, well duh! Truly thkunfal for your help.
[jka4GH56]@188.143.234.*2015-10-08 05:38:40
Superbly ilniminatulg data here, thanks!
[SRb9XDTJ5U]@188.143.234.*2015-10-08 05:56:10
Aleksandra KudeĹ pisze:W przypadku drutu pogaberzrneso (miedĹş pokryta srebrem) trzeba jednak pamiÄtaÄ o tym, Ĺźe srebrna powĹoka zniszczy siÄ w miejscu topienia i efekt koĹcowy nie bÄdzie zadowalajÄ cy i estetyczny. Zatem lepiej robiÄ kuleczki jed[...]
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