That's not just the best anwesr. It's the bestest answer!
[eWFApYSwaUp]@213.66.125.*2011-07-09 09:23:29
Check that off the list of tnhigs I was confused about.
[MJvqjVWwtp]@223.202.36.*2012-09-11 17:32:42
ffreakBellois: wiemy, że byś ciął, czytaliśmy to samo w Twoim pdzipeonrm komentarzu. pewnie dałoby się do tego Twojego komentarza odnieść już wcześniej, ale zapomniałeś dodać za co byś ciął, w czym jest on obraźliwy, czy tam niekulturalny[...]
[MWrp2x8ghri]@5.232.175.*2014-11-23 07:38:49
At last, soneome comes up with the "right" answer!
[xp7AetNS]@188.143.234.*2015-10-08 04:46:31
Nama love the blog. It makes me wish that I too had started one when i first moved to costa rica there are so many tnghis that one experiences living outside the U.S., its great to be able to document them. The manual car story brings a smile to my fac[...]
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